2021年12月 Grants and Contracts

We are pleased to share the success of 菠菜网lol正规平台's principal investigators who were awarded grants and contracts during 2021年12月:

15 奖 Received: Valued at $5,264,601.48


希瑟·拉蒂默,本·里德, 教育处,教务处
TECHcellence: Accelerated CS Pathway Partnership
赞助商: Co. of Urban Serving Universities – $50,000.00


Sang-Joon John Lee, Dahyun Oh, 机械工程
Collaborative Research: Effect of Cyclic Mechanical Stress on Ionic Conduction in Composite Polymer Electrolytes
赞助商: National 科学 Foundation – $330,187.00

罗纳德•麦 计算机工程
Intelligent Systems 研究和 Development Support-3 (ISRDS-3)
赞助商: KBR Wyle服务有限责任公司. – $9,301.00


珍妮弗·沃尔夫, 社会工作学校
Changes in Alcohol Use and Harsh Parenting during 新型冠状病毒肺炎
赞助商: Ohio State University – $25,390.00


Tzvia艾布拉姆森, 生物科学
Stem Cell Internships in Laboratory-based Learning (SCILL) Continue to Expand the Scientific Workforce for Stem Cells 研究和 Therapies
赞助商: NCA Inst of Regenerative Medicine – $3,606,500.00

达斯汀·卡洛尔 Moss Landing海洋实验室
Ocean Carbon Sink Variability: Internal vs. 强制机制
赞助商: 哥伦比亚大学——33,566美元.00

罗斯P. 克拉克, Moss Landing海洋实验室
Completing the Core Objectives of the Moro Cojo Slough Management and Enhancement 计划
赞助商: 沿海保护 & 研究- 60,000元.00

Thomas Connolly, Maxime Grand, Holly A. 鲍尔斯 Moss Landing海洋实验室
CeNCOOS Partnership: Information Solutions to Power Healthy and Prosperous Oceanic, Coastal and Estuarine Communities
赞助商: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute – $54,875.00

尼古拉斯•蛇形丘 化学
HIPPO: Horizon-broadening Isotope Production Pipeline & 机会
赞助商: 德克萨斯州的一个&M 研究基金会 – $28,843.00

卢克·加德纳 Moss Landing海洋实验室
Using Aquaculture to Help Mitigate Impacts of Harmful Algal Blooms on Crustacean Fisheries Accelerating Depuration to Produce Safe & 适销海产品
赞助商: 加州大学圣地亚哥分校- $58,754.00

迈克尔•格雷厄姆 Moss Landing海洋实验室
Contract between PSA and 菠菜网lol正规平台F 2022
赞助商: Phycological Society of America – $82,278.00

詹姆斯•哈维 Murray Stein, Moss Landing海洋实验室
Research Vessel Use for Monthly Water Sampling
赞助商: 应用海洋科学有限公司. – $15,000.00

詹姆斯•哈维 Moss Landing海洋实验室
Estuarine Wetland and Nearshore Ecology Studies along the Pacific Flyway
赞助商: Department of Interior – $61,000.00


肖恩·P. Laraway, 心理学
Human Systems Integration: Collaborative Human Factors Research to Improve 安全, Efficiency, and Reliability of NASA's Aeronautics and Space Missions
赞助商: NASA: 653,330美元.56

苏珊·M. Snycerski, 心理学
Future Vertical Lift: Collaborative Research on 飞行控制, Autonomous Rotorcraft, and Human-Systems Interface Design
赞助商: NASA: 195,576美元.92